We charge fees for the advice and services we provide. These can be settled in person (via cheque), taken from your investments (with prior agreement), or a combination of both. We find the most popular method is to take fees from your investments.
We offer a no-obligation Creation Meeting, the cost of which is met by our firm. If you elect to proceed, work will commence on creating your bespoke financial plan and JWMLifeBook (if requested). The standard charge is between £1,000 to £2,000 depending on case complexity and will be agreed after the Creation Meeting.
We charge an Implementation Fee to set-up your account (up to 3%). This is determined based on the amount of work involved and agreed before we commence work. It is then invoiced directly or taken from your initial investment amount.
For ongoing servicing, all clients are charged an Annual Service fee. This is typically charged at between 0.75% to 1.00%, dependent on the service level required, and taken from your investments (or invoiced directly). More information is provided in our Fees Menu.
Protection provisions may form an integral part of your planning to ensure the long term financial security of both yourself and your family. The cost of this advice will be charged as a fee. This may be offset by commission received from your protection provider, this will be disclosed before implementation of your plans.